If you work in a tech space, you’ve probably heard the acronym “API” thrown around quite a few times. If you’re not familiar with what API means, it stands for application programming interface and its functionality boils down to simply connecting different programs with one another based on a set of protocols. The easiest example is the weather app on your phone, if you’ve ever wondered how the app has access to weather data all around the world, it connects with other systems that track the weather in their location and provide certain data based on how the API is programmed to respond to requests.
There are a few different ways that APIs work, this is based on when you created it and what you’re using it for. The two main architectures for APIs are SOAP and REST APIs and they both offer different advantages.
SOAP was developed in 1998 for Microsoft when integration between programs was much more difficult and expensive. In the early days of the internet, interactions between software required custom coding and lacked any set of standards for data exchange. SOAP stands for simple object access protocol and API transactions that use SOAP are completed in XML rather than HTTP. They are popular with high-security systems as they follow a defined set of rules for communication and create the capability to send and receive messages across applications that were built on different platforms. SOAP APIs are the standard integration method as they offer added flexibility but have become less necessary with modern innovations.
REST stands for Representational State Transfer and was conceived by Roy Fielding just two years after SOAP for the purpose of providing a stateless, more scalable and simple way to send and receive data. REST APIs are the most widely utilized interface today as they provide even more flexibility because they don’t have the strict regulations SOAP APIs do, and they provide a variety of other benefits as well. It was designed to complete standardized interactions usually defined using GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE among other common HTTP procedures. Naturally, they use HTTP to transfer data rather than XML. One notable feature of REST APIs is that servers don’t store client data between requests. REST employs a request and response process that serves information in an easily digestible format based on whatever relevant data it receives. Unlike SOAP APIs, REST is more of a set of standards that help to inform how to communicate between applications rather than explicit rules.
SOAP uses XML only, which means it has to remember all previous requests. |
REST is “stateless” which means it treats every request as independent from the last and allows data to be transferred as HTML, XML, and JSON. |
SOAP messages are longer and more complex and can result in longer page loading times. |
REST is more efficient because messages are smaller. REST responses can also be stored in a cache which can decrease page loading times. |
SOAP can be expensive and require more memory as it requires applications to store client data from previous requests. |
REST is easier to store and as it is stateless it can hand off requests to other servers. |
SOAP requires an added layer of security which may be useful but has a negative impact on performance. |
REST easily supports HTTPS and doesn’t require additional security measures. |
SOAP can be more reliable as it has built in systems to handle errors. |
REST does not have built in logic for error handling. |
Another example of API architectures are RPC APIs which unlike REST is slightly less flexible as it is limited to GET and POST operations and relies on an interface definition language to communicate between applications that operate using different systems and languages. Websocket APIs allow clients to receive messages from a server without asking the server for a response every time. It allows for constant, ongoing two-way communication which is best used for online chats or online gaming.
Now that we’ve discussed the different architectures, let’s run through a few common types of APIs and weigh their benefits.
Open APIs or public APIs are published on the internet for free and can be accessed by anyone. They are valuable for developers who want access to proprietary software but pose a security threat as they are more vulnerable to attacks. They provide an interface that can communicate across languages and promote innovation. Open APIs make it easier to share information quickly.
Partner APIs provide exclusive access to designated partners allowing for strategic integration and collaboration between parties. This allows for partners to share sensitive information safely, ensuring data privacy while allowing for a specific and customized exchange of information. These can be difficult to manage and pose a security threat as well.
Internal APIs can only be accessed by internal systems, which makes them faster, more secure, and easier to develop. Though they provide extended flexibility and customization, they require significant effort from your team to manage and lack standardization. This can result in decreased usability and adaptability.
Composite APIs combine multiple APIs to improve performance and efficiency by providing a single access point for multiple different requests. The potential drawbacks are they can be difficult to develop and error handling can be challenging. It also isn’t advisable to rely on multiple APIs as it can be difficult to bounce back if one becomes unavailable or experiences a problem.
There are many other types of APIs for web developers to consider whether they’re interested in integrating new capabilities or building an application from scratch. These necessary interfaces can be difficult to distinguish from one another, and all address a multitude of different use cases. If you’re looking for some extra help in discovering the power of APIs and what they can do for your website, Virid can help. Whatever challenges come your way, Virid is the solution.